06/06/2023 by FHH
Position-monitored Brainware screwing gantry
Today I would like to introduce you to our position-monitored Brainware screwing gantry (screwing portal) as an alternative to conventional screwing control stands.
Today I would like to introduce you to our position-monitored Brainware screwing gantry (screwing portal) as an alternative to conventional screwing control stands.
Why? In the industrial environment, screwing systems with screwing stands are most commonly used today. However, the use of these stands has its limits in some applications. For this reason, we have developed a position-monitored screwing gantry as an alternative that overcomes all these restrictions and enables precise screwing at any position even in large assembly systems.
The main advantages are:
- The screwing gantry has only a few restrictions in terms of dimensions - it can therefore cover much larger spaces than a conventional stand.
- The screwing gantry does not require any additional space for extending, rotating or swiveling out the stand.
- The accuracy of the positioning is always identical at every point.
- Several screwdrivers can be used at the same time (cost and efficiency advantage)
The following parameters are monitored: x-axis, y-axis, z-axis, torque, angle of rotation, screwing sequence (also according to a screwing layout) including documentation and traceability.
In summary: higher quality, a broader application base and more efficiency.
Here is a short video about it (external Youtube link). It's best if you take a look at all of this on our website. There are also a few more pictures and explanations.